Come to The First National Women at Risk Convention
    "Women at Risk gives victims of abortion an opportunity, for the first time, to come together to strengthen each other and express themselves in the public spheres of legislation and the media. Their unique voices can ensure that we have a more compassionate society, fairer laws, and higher standards of medical care." 
    -- Margaret H. Hartshorn, President, Heartbeat International
    "Women at Risk could easily revolutionize the whole abortion debate. They will give those who have been hurt by abortion--women, men, and their families--a strong and independent voice in the public sphere....I can honestly say I have never been more excited..."  
    --David C. Reardon, Director, Elliot Institute
    "All who care about women caught in the crisis of an abortion culture must pray that the first conference of Women at Risk is successful. It's time to turn the microphone of public debate over to those who have experienced what abortion is really about."  
    -- Guy Condon, President, CareNet